Superhero week was done in anticipation of the new episode of Big Bang Theory I am watching tonight. You can see my Big Bang Theory blog here http://davestshirts.blogspot.com/2010/06/t-shirt-156-big-bang-theory-sheldon.html and read about The Flash here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flash_(comics)
Unlike the rest of this week, I am going to write about a real-life superhero for this blog. His powers are love, understanding, patience, forgiveness, and a great sense of humor (to name a few). His costumes vary and include an accountant, a Bruins fan, a Red Sox fan, and a robe with slippers from the 1970s. His name is Paul, but I know him by his superhero moniker “Dad”.
Dad has been there for me more than all the other superheroes combined. He has helped me overcome obstacles, taught me countless lessons, and been there for me whenever I needed him. One of the most important things he has shown me is that when a problem arises, getting upset and dwelling on it never helps: thinking out solutions and taking steps to improve the situation are always better ways of dealing. He is the reason I play sports, I am good at math, and I love to take pictures. He not only paid for my education, he paid for me to go to a college that rivaled the one he went to. Whenever I made mistakes (many, many mistakes), all he showed me were love and support. He has taken me to so many Bruins and Red Sox games that I have lost count. Most importantly for the sake of this blog, he taught me it is okay to where a t-shirt that is almost 20 years old.
Today is my dad’s birthday, and although I know no blog or present can ever compare to all he has given me, I had to do my best. Thanks for everything and Happy Birthday, Dad! If more fathers were like you, there would be a lot less problems in the world. I love you!
Another “Dad” related blog:
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