This is another great shirt from my great boss (although she mentioned to me today that she’d rather not have me advertise that some of my more “inappropriate” shirts have also come from her). If you can’t read it, it says THE FUNNIEST THING ABOUT THIS SHIRT IS THAT BY THE TIME YOU REALIZE IT DOESN’T SAY ANYTHING IT’S TOO LATE FOR YOU TO STOP READING IT.
I had my publishing group at school today, and a few of the students thought it was funny. I also have been “jamming” with one of the newer students who is about 10 times better than me on guitar. He and another student played with me today and I taught them Pearl Jam’s “Just Breathe” (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bT7NgZa7yZY&feature=related).
One of the life skills classes at school had made dinner for Hope Lodge, so I took spaghetti and meatballs, salad, garlic bread, and apple crisp back with me. One of the guests saw me walking in with my guitar and begged me to play it tonight. So, we all sat down and enjoyed a wonderful meal made by my students and I played “Norwegian Wood”, “Just Breathe”, and after a request for some Dylan, “Masters of War” (which I confessed that I knew mostly because Eddie Vedder and Pearl Jam cover it). Anyway, it was a great day…Let’s just breathe…
You have an AWESOME boss!