I thought this shirt (another donation from www.chowdaheadz.com, thanks guys!) would be appropriate to wear for mourning the end of another hockey season, and another team not from Boston hoisting The Cup over their heads. I was wondering if Chara was watching the game last night, and what he might have been thinking. Then today, I started writing him a letter…
Dear Zdeno,
My name is Dave McGrath and I bleed Black and Gold. I have been a Bruins fan my whole life, and The B’s are something that are part of the glue to my family. My parents are the two biggest Bruins fans I know, and my mother is the person I turn to whenever I have a hockey-related question. At one game she took a puck to the chin (which required stitches) and refused to go to the hospital until the game was over. Her first Mother’s Day was the day #4 scored his overtime goal that gave The Bruins their fourth Stanley Cup (my older brother had been born just six days earlier).
Like their love of The Bruins, my parents taught all five of their children the value of loving one another and supporting each other through everything. This played a huge role when I was 18 and was diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor. My family, friends, and The Bruins were a huge part in helping me get through my first few rounds of chemotherapy. My family and friends provided the love and support, and The Bruins provided a sense of normalcy (They also signed the stick pictured with me – my high school girlfriend’s brother-in-law’s father was an NHL scout and got the stick for me: I will never forget the day I was in the hospital and they brought it to me). During the start of my battle with cancer my family and I still watched every game on the edge of our seats and for those hours, cancer wasn’t on my mind. I proudly wore my “Canadiens SUCK!” shirt (http://davestshirts.blogspot.com/2010/03/t-shirt-61-canadiens-suck.html ) in the hospital, and couldn’t believe it when the B’s swept the Hated Habs in the second round. Although the Black and Gold would eventually fall to Mighty Mario and the Penguins, they provided a much needed distraction for me and my family that year. I am glad to report that my family’s support of the Bruins has since been added to with my brother’s kids, so the McGrath bloodline will continue to spill Black and Gold for another generation.
Another thing that got me through cancer was visualization. Every time I got chemo, I imagined the drugs flowing through my veins, up into my brain, and attacking the tumor. My images were pretty vicious, and I knew the cancer really didn’t have a chance. The doctors originally said I would need chemotherapy and radiation, but after my last round of chemo they said something like “We don’t know why, but you don’t need radiation.” – No argument from me. I have been cancer free now for over 17 years, and am lucky enough to have a job that lets me work with cancer patients in treatment (I work at American Cancer Society’s Hope Lodge in Worcester). One thing cancer helped teach me was that the most important thing in life is the people you have in yours. I really, really, really want to see The Bruins win The Cup, but I wouldn’t trade my family and friends for any number of consecutive Bruins Stanley Cup Championships.
As I was watching The Blackhawks lift The Cup over their heads last night, I was thinking of my family and the amount of joyful tears that we would share if we got to see you do that, Zdeno…I almost cry just thinking of it. Were you watching it, Z? Can you imagine what it would be like? I assure you if you want it, imagine it, and believe it, it will happen. You and the B’s are a constant source of inspiration and joy for me and my family, and for that I thank you. We are all now counting the days until October, and I wish you the best in the coming season.
Always to Bleed Black and Gold,
That was great, Dave!
ReplyDeletei have always thought about writing to a Bruin's player but don't know the channel to do so. That was awesome...and if i ever get the courage to write to them, i hope it's as good as yours. I'll never forget my first pair of tix i bought for my dad for christmas one year....I drew a big spoked B and asked him if he "bled black n gold"? that is far my favorite slogan of the B's. I've already told my boss that I was taking the next 2 days off after the B's win the cup cuz i wouldnt be able to concentrate at work at all!
ReplyDeleteGreat leter dave!
What an inspiring post, Dave.
ReplyDeleteIt sure would be great to see the Bruins win the Cup. This year's no. 2 pick won't hurt at all in helping them get there. We Oilers fans are very torn between Tyler and Taylor. I don't think either team will lose out regardless of who the Oilers choose. I hope we at least get to see a shot of Brian Burke's face as the Bruins choose their guy...
Thanks for reading Shannon and Paul, glad you enjoyed! GO B's!!!!