I got this one when I “stumbled upon” the Star Wars website 5 years ago and thought it would make a great Father’s Day present for my dad. A couple of weeks later, we both showed up to my niece’s 2nd birthday party wearing it (see picture). If you don’t know the joke behind the shirt, it means you haven’t seen The Empire Strikes Back…I’m sorry.
Today for Father’s Day I went with my dad to visit my grandmother and then we had a late breakfast at Harry’s (http://davestshirts.blogspot.com/2010/03/t-shirt-89-harrys.html) in Westboro, always a good choice. While eating, my nephew called and asked if I wanted to go see Toy Story 3 in 3D with him and the rest of the family…a very easy decision and a good movie! (Side note: Speaking of 3D movies, I don’t understand why they say returning your glasses is “being green”. You get 3D glasses wrapped in plastic, and then there are receptacles to put them in after the movie. I saw Alice in Wonderland in 3D when it was out, kept my glasses, and used them today. Isn’t it better for the environment if you keep the first pair you get and use them for every 3D movie you go to?) It was a great Father’s Day spent with the two best dads I know!
Like I wrote for my Holy Cross Hockey Shirt (http://davestshirts.blogspot.com/2010/02/t-shirt-42-holy-cross-hockey.html), I really can’t say enough good things about my father. He has taught me countless lessons over the years, but I will list the ones that come to mind:
- Love your family unconditionally
- Give and forgive
- When playing baseball, not only is there no crying but you have to get in front of the ball to field it, no “Sissy Side-Steps”
- Laugh with others, and laugh at yourself
- Take a lot of pictures
- Treat others respectfully
- Be supportive, even if someone goes to a college that is a rival of the one you went to
- Be supportive no matter what
- Play sports to have fun
- Sharing funny stories is better than complaining about things
- Life is easier when you “Worry about one guy” instead of comparing your situation to others
- Jeans can be called “dungarees”, sneakers can be called “tennis shoes”, and you shouldn’t leave either on the stairs
- A perfect description for messy bedrooms and a messy family room is to say “This place looks like a crap house”
- Be loyal to the ones you love (that includes sports teams)
- Only tell people what you think they should / shouldn’t do when they ask you for your opinion
- Education is very important
- Family vacations can be fun even if the place you drove to (Busch Gardens) is closed
- Focus on the positive…dwelling on the negative doesn’t get you anywhere
Thanks for everything Dad, I love you!
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