This shirt, like this one (http://davestshirts.blogspot.com/2010/05/t-shirt-149-horses-desreve-better.html) was donated to me from The Onion Store (http://store.theonion.com). Thanks, Onion!
I wore it today because I knew I was going to be hanging out with my great friend Glen, and I thought he would get a kick out of it. More like a brother to me, Glen has given me so much that I will never be able to repay him. Although I have mentioned it before, he gave me the MacBook I am typing on right now and with it the ability to keep this daily blog. He stuck by me and gave me the slack only a true friend could when I was going through a really tough time. He taught me how to play guitar and although I will most likely never be in a band, he would be the person I’d talk to about starting one (for more on his old band Focusin, see: http://davestshirts.blogspot.com/2010/07/t-shirt-203-focusin-original-logo.html, http://davestshirts.blogspot.com/2010/04/t-shirt-115-focusin-heavens-to.html, and http://davestshirts.blogspot.com/2010/02/t-shirt-59-focusin.html ). I wish I could afford to go and visit him out in Oregon more, but I am glad technology (Facebook and Skype) make it easier to keep in touch. Glen has given me countless laughs and good times, and today was no different. It was only a few hours of wiffle ball and Uhlman’s Ice Cream, but it was great. I will keep writing this over and over, but I guess it has become my motto: The only thing that really matters in life is the people you have in yours. Well Glen, buddy, I am really lucky to have you in mine. And, even though I beat you 2 games to 1, this was an awesome catch:
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