This is another shirt donated from my awesome dad, see also: http://davestshirts.blogspot.com/2010/08/t-shirt-231-moodys-diner.html. Thanks, Dad!
I thought this would be a good shirt to wear today because it reminded me of one of my favorite McGrath summer traditions: The Sunday Night Drive. After my dad told us we were going for a drive and each McGrath kid had “called” where they were sitting in the van, the trek usually started with a stop at Uhlman’s Ice Cream (a place that still remains one of my favorites to frequent on a hot day in The ‘Boro). After our ice cream delights, my dad would just drive. When we asked (and we always did) he said he didn’t know where he was going or how long it was going to take. Sometimes we would end up in a neighboring town where a local athlete lived and would try to see if we could find their house. Although I had suspicions that he really knew every turn and where we were headed, he really just drove. Sometimes he would take the van a few too many turns from being able to remember how we got there. But even without a GPS, we would always make it back home. Unlike the almost 700-mile trips to PEI, these Sunday Night Drives were usually peaceful and relaxing (in my memory anyway!). I wonder how many families today get everyone in the car and just go for a drive? Thanks for all those times Dad, and thanks for always driving everyone all those countless miles!
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